I hate that Biblical text. But it shows the despair the man felt at the massive injustice all about. And nothing changes in that respect. The futility of Martin Scorsese mumbling about Bob Dylan & some execrable past that never redeemed itself. The wars never stopped. And the singing could not drown out the bloodshed. What to do about this sorrow that gets so deep one cannot swim in it. Head for the shore. Because bodies of water always represent trouble. Head for land. For green earth where sun bathes the cold eyes & lips of man/woman. Because without love this art is just another two-bit death. And the bombs are just not good enough for you & me. These goddammed bombs going off day & night smashing hell into, not out of, strange countries with children: We are all children & have no time to grow up to be adults---that would take at least a million years. I guess you are not listening to me yet. You will. But first you have to be whipped into awareness. And my meager words cannot punish you as you must be punished in order to take the necessary actions for our salvation. It is not coming from God The Father Almighty Maker of Heaven & Earth. You can take that to the bank.
I see now that you will not learn until you have tasted Reality. YOU. I mean of course all you Utopians out there who dwell in The Alternative Universe of privilege & opulent excess. Words mean nothing to you though you get your entire living from them! They mean nothing to you. I describe. I'm not preaching. You are not convinced. Border's publishes literally thousands of novels every year praised by various friends of the author plus tens of thousands of other titles. That's what book store managers of whom I used to number myself call them----titles. I've read hundreds of them. In one ear out the other. Hurry up & get to the next poetry reading. See if you will be saved. Or, spend the night with the wife & watch a movie on VCR. Eat some popcorn or pretzels. Think it over. You are in the business. You have a good car & a house. And life insurance. And you bought a headstone so you are prepared for The Future. You are well spoken of. You have spent your years wisely rounding up & cultivating friends. Spreading the good news so that no one is left out. I'm convinced. You converted me with your magnanimous life. I believe you. You gave up everything to save the human race from its own narcissism. You did it. You convinced the human race to erase its entire supply of bombs & its poisonous emissions. You did something I previously believed was Impossible. You cured man of his death wish. Congratulations.
RLG Copyright 2006