Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Hollywood Hype

6-6-06 Let Them Eat Stones

It's time for the super rich to pay their dues. Starting at the top of the shit heap. Bush Cheney & their glamor boys who got all the tax write-offs while they stuffed all four pockets with dough they don't need and can't even use. Tom Cruise is a jerk. Just ask him. HE says that, not me. And his old lady got her reputation reading gossip columns while drinking the morning coffee. Let's even out The Loot. Make sure the folks at the bottom get the good stuff. The best food water clothing places of rest & education. The latter is the Big One. And here I leave my shoes at the door. The Great National Death Wish is a difficult foe for us who would enlighten those at The Yawning Abyss. I have no answers to those who despise education and the opportunity for Knowledge. That obviously includes most people in the USA. How many persons in the USA in the last 5 months have checked at least one book out of a public or private Library? How many persons in the USA this year have read at least one book that is not the Bible or other religious propaganda? It doesn't have to be a book, obviously. You can have books put into audio or video cassettes. Or you may be read-to by someone. The point is to receive knowledge in any and every form you can. If you have no hunger for true knowledge then you are sick. This a SICK nation that has been engaging in combat in foreign lands non-stop since the end of WWII. Yet the zombies who live here resemble nothing so much as a huge bunch of untethered robots hooked to Moloch's artificial teats. IGNORANCE is the crime behind POVERTY & DISEASE. Yet I see students blindly following professors down Blind Man's Bluff Alley accepting the same old platitudes because they issue forth from PH.D. We are in a NATIONAL SUICIDE STATE that sells poison around the clock in "respectable" grocery stores and 7-Elevens. Does anybody care OUT THERE in CYBERSPACE?

RLG Copyright 2006


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