Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Make Love, Not War

5-17-06 The New Love Revolution

Send manna from Heaven to the Palestinians rather than bullets. Send them food & open up the roads to them. Give them what they deserve---ALL the privileges of a democracy. Ditto Afghanis. And surely also send food to Iraq & nurses & doctors & medical supplies. If The Democrats can't do better than Bush & his monstrous murderous regime then they better cash in their chips & let us Independents take over. Did John Kerry ever suggest sending food & medical aid and American physicians to Iraq? Did William Jefferson Clinton do so? No he was too busy kissing the ass of his militant Israeli Zionist supporters who paid all his bills. Are you ALIVE, Dear Reader? If you are ALIVE then you are not dead to Love & Freedom which are the offshoots of Truth. And it you are not dead to Love & Freedom then you have come into the sacred presence of Beauty as I have and you have found it irresistible. It's not ok to murder strangers who live in far away countries in the name of patriotism. Patriotism is a false & useless concept in the absence of Love. And when I use the word LOVE I am not talking about some frail perishing whisper used by the church or politicians or weaklings to further their agenda. I am not talking about that cheap crap you see so often in the movies---I love You as a device to curry favor with the beloved or the beloved's family. I am talking about the Real Revolution that first occurs on the inside when you experience Freedom from the lies that have encrusted this whole society in every single one of its institutions. The minute you begin to love one other person as you love yourself with that totality of Acceptance then you have opened the doors and windows of your own soul. But before that can happen one has broken the chain of neurosis that previously connected one to the system of falsehoods that incarcerate human being.

RLG Copyright 2006


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