Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Pleasure Principle

5-2-06 The Ego Negotiates

I have a strong drive for Pleasure. But this Desire involves the knowledge and agreement of one significant woman. And even before such negotiations can take place between her & me I have to come to terms with The Reality Principle. Libido is full of wishes & wants & lusts. Super-Ego however is always preaching about duty and responsibility and politeness & obeying the customs and mores of family & church & a whole lot of other phoney stuff. Phoney but nonetheless real obstacles to my immediate satisfaction---since they are invisible characters that have set up shop in my psyche and are constantly at work undermining my intentions. They operate under fictious names so I can never recognize them unless I call the whole operation to a halt and set myself down alone in an empty room. Ego on the other hand is trying to set up situations that are realistic for my ongoing happiness. And here I must say, Hold it! What ongoing Happiness? This is a dead-end street we are talking about here and there has been no on-going happiness for the last ten years. Therefore, Ego itself is existing in a state of misinformation if not out & out delusion. If Ego has been at the controls of this Operation for these last 10 years what are we to say of his competence at running the whole show? I must give him an absolute 'F' for Failure to direct the organism toward Happy Boulevard & The Palace of Pleasure.

Therefore the only sensible thing for me to do at this point is to nominate a fresh Ego to take over the controls. I have no jurisdiction over Libido who is running wild day & night screaming for Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure---I WANT I WANT I WANT I WANT and once more I WANT!!! That is all I ever hear from Libido. Although L. has luxurious tastes in women I am beginning to note. Where did I pick up that habit? I always choose women who make about 10 times as much money as I do. It does make a kind of sense since that way we shall be well provided for. It's just not customary in this country of weak male egos who have accumulated all these cowardly habits of opening doors and buying flowers & generally filling closets with unnecessary accoutrement----such as 25 or 50 pairs of ladies' shoes, dresses, coats, sweaters and such. The houses keep getting larger & larger in order to contain the junk. The yards keep expanding in order to maintain the vast collection of debris that grows like an empire. While the Desire of the owners keeps dwindling. With me it's the opposite. I have no warehouses full of cars & planes & 100 business suits or 50 pairs of Italian shoes for 1,000 bucks a crack.

But this empire of Desire that likes to call itself Libido is like an army and a navy & a marine corps that keeps giving me orders to receive satisfaction NOW---and that includes always the most inconvenient hours of the night or day---including especially times the ladies are absent & I am without their phone numbers. Libido doesn't seem to know anything about clocks or calendars or family sleeping habits or respected customs let alone legality. L. cares nothing for rules concerning marriage or society or propriety. Nor has any respect for work days or weekends or for that matter 3 oclock in the morning. In short, we have a problem here of Who is minding The Store. I don't know if I'm running this ship or if Super-Ego is in charge or Libido. L & S are both throwing a lot of static my way whenever I cross bows with some really hot new dame. For instance yesterday this really lovely smiling babe came prancing up to me in the cafe as I sat at table. She was ripe as a fresh cherry ready to fall off the bough and I couldn't even find the words to say hi, let alone hey, wait a minute, I'll walk you to your car. Super-ego had me distracted with small talk about some damned stupid book I'd been reading---The Intellectual Trap. This dame was lean & clean & tall & smiling. And she was smiling at me! She was good looking. Here I sit 26 hours later mumbling in my half sleep. And Who is telling this story now? Is THIS Ego or Super-Ego or is it more Libido blabbing out in the open trying to find an opening for me? Well, I hope it is Libido because I am beginning to miss his point of view & I need some Life in my life. And I'm sick of these excuses coming down from Super-Ego---who is nothing but a talking book, if it's not the Bible it's some damned word-monger philosopher who is too busy talking to ever get laid. Libido, the track is open---let's hear from You! I need some smooth new easy love in the flesh of my life Now. And I don't care who knows it.

RLG Copyright 2006


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