'The Answer'
4-22-06 Blowing In The Wind
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind-----the answer is blowing in the wind. OK. Everybody was telling me to Move On. And these are all college graduates most of them professors and the rest "professional people." "Move on" they keep saying---"get a life." And I looked at them. And they were old. Younger according to the calendars than I am by several years. But these were all Old People. Supposedly Wise. Liberal of course. But starched collar dead in their tracks OLD. I would use the word conservative but that might give them a false glow of style which they did not earn. Stylish they are not. Though they all wear quite creative cloth and drive good cars. In their offices behind their desks they are something else again. Privileged and supervisory. That was a long time ago. Once upon a time, they say to their students. That was a considerable age ago. Before the Golden Age descended. Before The Wedding. The Wedding of Psyche & Eros. Everybody was going to Tom Hanks movies. And attending A Cappella choir recitals by their kids in junior high spectaculars. Where their marriages began to deteriorate at a rapid pace. They couldn't find any anti-biotics at Orchard Supply to stop the reversal. Doubt had completely devastated the original wedding vows. Though this was a far cry from love at first sight in the first place. It was more about money and competition and killing time than about Romance. Romance was something that happened many centuries ago when men were warriors and women were princesses. That was before the white man landed at Plymouth Rock got out his Bible and kicked the Indians off the property. The only good Indian was Pocahontas. She was willing to wear white underwear and do the wash every Monday morning. And have all the ironing done by suppertime. But now that we have Wall Street and the internet who needs white underwear or the Monday morning wash? All the university kids got a new car for high school graduation. So who needs sex? They all hoist up behind the steering wheels of their cars & take off. Nirvana. All the orgasms you can eat. Just drive up to that pump and fill er up to the brim. You are completely set for the whole rest of the night. Did I say The Answer? To whose question? There are no more questions. Why should there be! Everybody owns his and her car. And cars are smooth and cool and they don't hurt. Cars are much more christian than people. And they Come every time!
RLG Copyright 2006
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind-----the answer is blowing in the wind. OK. Everybody was telling me to Move On. And these are all college graduates most of them professors and the rest "professional people." "Move on" they keep saying---"get a life." And I looked at them. And they were old. Younger according to the calendars than I am by several years. But these were all Old People. Supposedly Wise. Liberal of course. But starched collar dead in their tracks OLD. I would use the word conservative but that might give them a false glow of style which they did not earn. Stylish they are not. Though they all wear quite creative cloth and drive good cars. In their offices behind their desks they are something else again. Privileged and supervisory. That was a long time ago. Once upon a time, they say to their students. That was a considerable age ago. Before the Golden Age descended. Before The Wedding. The Wedding of Psyche & Eros. Everybody was going to Tom Hanks movies. And attending A Cappella choir recitals by their kids in junior high spectaculars. Where their marriages began to deteriorate at a rapid pace. They couldn't find any anti-biotics at Orchard Supply to stop the reversal. Doubt had completely devastated the original wedding vows. Though this was a far cry from love at first sight in the first place. It was more about money and competition and killing time than about Romance. Romance was something that happened many centuries ago when men were warriors and women were princesses. That was before the white man landed at Plymouth Rock got out his Bible and kicked the Indians off the property. The only good Indian was Pocahontas. She was willing to wear white underwear and do the wash every Monday morning. And have all the ironing done by suppertime. But now that we have Wall Street and the internet who needs white underwear or the Monday morning wash? All the university kids got a new car for high school graduation. So who needs sex? They all hoist up behind the steering wheels of their cars & take off. Nirvana. All the orgasms you can eat. Just drive up to that pump and fill er up to the brim. You are completely set for the whole rest of the night. Did I say The Answer? To whose question? There are no more questions. Why should there be! Everybody owns his and her car. And cars are smooth and cool and they don't hurt. Cars are much more christian than people. And they Come every time!
RLG Copyright 2006
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