Jesus VERSUS "Christian" Doctrine
I was brought up on The Bible & Dutch Reformed Calvinist doctrine. And I found out something through long & arduous study. Jesus & The Bible do not mix. Have nothing organic and honest to do with eachother. St. Paul took the teachings of Jesus & tried to turn them into hard and fast DOCTRINE. Jesus was a POET and a MIRACLE WORKER. St. Paul was a nit-picker trying to intimidate the various churches he was trying to establish. Jesus taught one thing only. LOVE EVERYBODY---friends & enemies alike. St Paul threw out Matthew 5-7-----the entire Sermon On The Mount which contains everything Jesus believed.
Jesus was no believer in Bibles. Period. He was an iconoclast. A Revolutionary of the mind. There are people who believe that belief has something to do with getting something after they are dead. Namely, a free trip to a place called Heaven. Welcome, to Las Vegas, folks. There is nothing Christian about that particular Fairy Tale. When Jesus said "The Kingdom Of Heaven is within you" he meant it. It's not a place. It is inside of every person willing to discover it & reveal it.
Orthodox Christianity ought to be called Paulinism. THAT is exactly what it is. Dragging Jesus in by the tail but pounding people over the head with St. Paul's neurotic sermons which are totally absent of Jesus' sense of the comic & the poetic. Turning water into wine. Or making a few loaves & fishes stretch to feed 5000 people---that's Show Bizz & at the same time it is unadulterated Compassion!
Enough. Just take a look around you. As a kid forced to go to church twice every sunday to listen to 2 lousy sermons I got a good look at what's true & what's phoney. You can't fool kids. They know Goodness when they see it. Well, look at all these hate-mongers demonizing Arabs & Muslims in the name of Christ. O yeah---The Axis of Evil. The CHURCH plus a few Roman soldiers saw to it that Jesus got Capital Punishment for, among other things healing the sick & the wounded on the Sabbath. Has anything changed in this regard? The Orthodox Christian Church is not stopping the genocide in IRAQ--- not the Orthodox Evangelicals. They are still working for St. Paul.
How are we ever going to get LOVE at the very center of our schools & our government our Business, Our LIVING? I say Love, not Bibles. Human compassion & mutual Respect as The Centerpiece of our entire Civilization. People who resort to The Old Testament or The New Testament or to The Koran or the Bhagavad Gita---these kinds of "true believers" are looking for salvation in scriptures that are forever Mysterious & in some very basic sense forever Unknowable. Yet these "believers" are at the front of our wars & the thirst for revenge---totally Anti Christ Anti Buddha Anti Humankind.
I say it is time to get on the road to Love & quit bickering about scriptures.
I was brought up on The Bible & Dutch Reformed Calvinist doctrine. And I found out something through long & arduous study. Jesus & The Bible do not mix. Have nothing organic and honest to do with eachother. St. Paul took the teachings of Jesus & tried to turn them into hard and fast DOCTRINE. Jesus was a POET and a MIRACLE WORKER. St. Paul was a nit-picker trying to intimidate the various churches he was trying to establish. Jesus taught one thing only. LOVE EVERYBODY---friends & enemies alike. St Paul threw out Matthew 5-7-----the entire Sermon On The Mount which contains everything Jesus believed.
Jesus was no believer in Bibles. Period. He was an iconoclast. A Revolutionary of the mind. There are people who believe that belief has something to do with getting something after they are dead. Namely, a free trip to a place called Heaven. Welcome, to Las Vegas, folks. There is nothing Christian about that particular Fairy Tale. When Jesus said "The Kingdom Of Heaven is within you" he meant it. It's not a place. It is inside of every person willing to discover it & reveal it.
Orthodox Christianity ought to be called Paulinism. THAT is exactly what it is. Dragging Jesus in by the tail but pounding people over the head with St. Paul's neurotic sermons which are totally absent of Jesus' sense of the comic & the poetic. Turning water into wine. Or making a few loaves & fishes stretch to feed 5000 people---that's Show Bizz & at the same time it is unadulterated Compassion!
Enough. Just take a look around you. As a kid forced to go to church twice every sunday to listen to 2 lousy sermons I got a good look at what's true & what's phoney. You can't fool kids. They know Goodness when they see it. Well, look at all these hate-mongers demonizing Arabs & Muslims in the name of Christ. O yeah---The Axis of Evil. The CHURCH plus a few Roman soldiers saw to it that Jesus got Capital Punishment for, among other things healing the sick & the wounded on the Sabbath. Has anything changed in this regard? The Orthodox Christian Church is not stopping the genocide in IRAQ--- not the Orthodox Evangelicals. They are still working for St. Paul.
How are we ever going to get LOVE at the very center of our schools & our government our Business, Our LIVING? I say Love, not Bibles. Human compassion & mutual Respect as The Centerpiece of our entire Civilization. People who resort to The Old Testament or The New Testament or to The Koran or the Bhagavad Gita---these kinds of "true believers" are looking for salvation in scriptures that are forever Mysterious & in some very basic sense forever Unknowable. Yet these "believers" are at the front of our wars & the thirst for revenge---totally Anti Christ Anti Buddha Anti Humankind.
I say it is time to get on the road to Love & quit bickering about scriptures.
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