GW Bush Is An Embarrassment To Us All
- 3-23-06 America Is Now Considered A Third Rate Country Around The World
National prestige is at an all time low throughout the world because of the shenanigans that Bush has been masquerading as policy ever since he stole The White House in 2000. This sickness needs to be cured. And the only CURE is going to come from The Citizens not from the monsters posing as spokesmen on national television hired to mouth the right wing crap issuing from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We of course have a comatose electorate. But that has been true from the beginning I suppose---largely. There are moments of half-life when a President dies suddenly such as Lincoln or Kennedy. Then there is a momentary spasm of guilt that produces a flash of blood (a blush) in the national face. Or in the case of a traumatic event like 9-11. Of course that event probably was hatched by the CIA or one of its affiliates. Bush does not have the qualifications to govern wisely. He has no love of government or of national service in his heart. And his history of hatred of government is shown by the contempt in which he has dis-served this country. He has sent this whole country and its national government into a tail spin. Never before in American history has the USA been so internationally despised and solely on the basis of Bush's contempt for democracy. Yet he uses the word as if the Bush Family actually minted it in Texas. There is not one iota of evidence that George W. Bush has ever honored the concept of democracy. Yet he speciously uses the word "democratic" to suggest that is what HE is going to IMPOSE on the people of Iraq with his Almighty Will. By the way, what CRIMES did Iraq ever commit against America or threaten to commit? NONE. This war is so transparently illegal it stinks up 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue & the worst half of the state of Texas. Would it not be more sensible to begin Bush's great plans for his new form of "democratic government" in the USA itself? What is DEMOCRATIC about giving trillion-dollar hand outs to millionaires & billionaires who are already so obsese with wealth they could give most of their money to the needy without in the least suffering any inconveniences to themselves or their corporations? Charley Sheen is definitely onto something. Everything about 9-11 from the start smelled like an Inside Job. It is about time grass roots Democracy begins to wake up and rise from the grave where it has been decomposing---don't you think, Fellow Believers in Fair Representative Government Of The People By The People & For The People shall not perish from The Earth! OK. Just kidding. But don't you agree it would be NICE if people got up out of their dead brains & dead hearts and began to bleed a little LIFE into this perishing Republic? Wouldn't that be hunky dory for The Easter Bunny?
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