The Tedious Gene
Wed. 3-15-06 The Tedious Gene
She hit me with the "tedious" gene. That went down hard. No woman previously had ever uttered that curious word to me in conversation. But it hit my ears sweetly. And I have forgotten the sentence and even the paragraph that contained the exact sentiment: 'tedious/ adj. tiresomely long; wearisome.' ( Oxford Essential Dictionary). She made tedious into something not diseased and symptomatic of a rapidly deteriorating organism but a hopeful even a sexy prospect. Yes, we were headed up Hope Boulevard straight toward Romance Avenue. Now I could open up the governor so to speak of my hidden engine. Let 'er rip. But, hold it. Something is wrong with this scenario. I believe she is actually accusing Your Most Humble Servant of decadent politeness in his Come On. She is actually criticizing me. Perhaps even suggesting that I get back into the Ring without the 99-cent varnish job. Ugly ugly ugly. Tedium is not the stuff of Romance. It does not ignite the organism into 8-cylinder full raging pistons on fire irresistible Sexual Desire-----name your Pleasure. I'm off on the wrong foot again. And the reason for that can only be one. I came on with the sexual proposition way ahead of schedule. That should have never even entered the conversation. Once you mention sex you have shoved the pace into overdrive. Never ever bring up sex before the first kiss. How could I forget that with the most beautiful woman in the world sitting directly in front of my eyes? How do I get back to Page 1? We have to get back on the road to The First Kiss. None of this advanced sexology at this stage of the game. Not with a woman of such primeval Innocence. And I do not mean she hasn't experienced sexual intercourse. I mean she is incomparably Beautiful and has pure irresistible eyes. Yes, tediousness may be a symptom of boredom. But it is at least palatable. And it is far superior to talking the sexual game before we have even so much as held hands. Stay away from sex talk. Period. Let your hands and lips lead the way---not in the formation of verbalisms but in the gentle expression of pure ardor. No need to flip out every passing appetite. What happened to me? That was out of character. It does not run true to the pure Passion flowing out of my chest. I have been listening to the wrong words spoken by the wrong people for the wrong reasons. And those words have infiltrated me and turned me into an imp of the perverse. That was not me back there throwing out a sexual proposition to this beautiful woman with the pure eyes. That was a strange guy borrowing the lingo of hustlers on The Boardwalk here in Venice. And now I am back on Square One if I'm lucky. Time to speak in The Greenfield Code where the heart & the head agree with the flow of love.
She hit me with the "tedious" gene. That went down hard. No woman previously had ever uttered that curious word to me in conversation. But it hit my ears sweetly. And I have forgotten the sentence and even the paragraph that contained the exact sentiment: 'tedious/ adj. tiresomely long; wearisome.' ( Oxford Essential Dictionary). She made tedious into something not diseased and symptomatic of a rapidly deteriorating organism but a hopeful even a sexy prospect. Yes, we were headed up Hope Boulevard straight toward Romance Avenue. Now I could open up the governor so to speak of my hidden engine. Let 'er rip. But, hold it. Something is wrong with this scenario. I believe she is actually accusing Your Most Humble Servant of decadent politeness in his Come On. She is actually criticizing me. Perhaps even suggesting that I get back into the Ring without the 99-cent varnish job. Ugly ugly ugly. Tedium is not the stuff of Romance. It does not ignite the organism into 8-cylinder full raging pistons on fire irresistible Sexual Desire-----name your Pleasure. I'm off on the wrong foot again. And the reason for that can only be one. I came on with the sexual proposition way ahead of schedule. That should have never even entered the conversation. Once you mention sex you have shoved the pace into overdrive. Never ever bring up sex before the first kiss. How could I forget that with the most beautiful woman in the world sitting directly in front of my eyes? How do I get back to Page 1? We have to get back on the road to The First Kiss. None of this advanced sexology at this stage of the game. Not with a woman of such primeval Innocence. And I do not mean she hasn't experienced sexual intercourse. I mean she is incomparably Beautiful and has pure irresistible eyes. Yes, tediousness may be a symptom of boredom. But it is at least palatable. And it is far superior to talking the sexual game before we have even so much as held hands. Stay away from sex talk. Period. Let your hands and lips lead the way---not in the formation of verbalisms but in the gentle expression of pure ardor. No need to flip out every passing appetite. What happened to me? That was out of character. It does not run true to the pure Passion flowing out of my chest. I have been listening to the wrong words spoken by the wrong people for the wrong reasons. And those words have infiltrated me and turned me into an imp of the perverse. That was not me back there throwing out a sexual proposition to this beautiful woman with the pure eyes. That was a strange guy borrowing the lingo of hustlers on The Boardwalk here in Venice. And now I am back on Square One if I'm lucky. Time to speak in The Greenfield Code where the heart & the head agree with the flow of love.
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