Saturday, March 04, 2006

Phyical Experience & Words

2-25-06 Physical & Emotional Experiences & Words

It was the building itself. It shut people up. In a good large heart-healing sense. The immensity of the cathedral. A building without ministers or sermons. A certain grand sofa & easy chair aspect softens the walls & the great high ceilings stretch out. Lends luxury to repose. What is repose without luxury I wonder. The luxury of no outside or interior pressures trying to coerce one into subservience to any external authorities.

I am describing the church. Free of the whammy of dictators. The comfort of great furniture and architecture: Interior Decorating. This I have been saying is a greatly undervalued art by the intellectuals who would erect their cosmos & stage it on museum walls because that is the way it has been done for 2, 000 years or whatever. Everything we experience is mental. It runs through the mind as it is being experienced. And we judge it---every bite of food delicious or insipid, every look at an object contains our instant agreement or doubt. Every kiss has a value. We never shut off our consciousness in order to have a physical experience. Even sexual intercourse itself is as mental as it is physical. The mind is recording exactly what the organs of sense feel & also what the pysche itself is feeling---possibly 4 or 5 separate emotions at the same time depending on one's Memory Rotary Index. And this is not something experienced by "intellectuals" who majored in philosophy or abnormal psychology. Everybody lives with these layers of memory & consciousness at work on some level.

There is no such thing as a Simple Experience. You ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning sitting at a table. Sitting next to you was a woman who was eating an order of eggs over easy & bacon. You were looking at eachother while you masticated your food. You were aware you were eating food and at same time you were talking to eachother & listening to eachother's words & also attaching meanings to those words & sometimes double & triple meanings as the texture & flavor of the foods were registering some place also in your psyche. At the very same time you were both half listening to a love song playing on the radio that was very powerful. And that also entered your psyche & influenced the texture of the moment. This is just off the roof of my head without any premeditation. No doubt you can add other actual aspects to this already complicated Mutual Situation. Sexual intercourse is even deeper with implication and levels of inner meaning. Everything we do we turn into words at least to ourselves if to no one else.

I do not believe words live alone in an Empty House with no walls, no ceilings, no floors & no furniture. I believe they are attached to actual things & experiences that happen to real people. But they sure are Important to us. We depend on them for everything we do not only. But try thinking without words. Try feeling without them. I mean sooner or later they will come to you if you don't go to them just to find out what youre feeling & thinking of any moment about any experience or detail of your life whatsoever. So, I'm saying to myself about now I better start learning how to say what's on my mind. Otherwise nobody else will know what I really have in mind and heart. I must say it is not easy at least for me to be accurate concerning my desires of a specific moment. Take this morning for example. I might have asked a very attractive young woman to have lunch with me if I only knew exactly how to get to the Question. But I was in fact too locked up inside my head to make that simple suggestion. And now I feel guilty about it. Or at least uncomfortable. Lunch alone wasn't as good as it would have been with her I'm sure.



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