Starbucks, St. Patrick's Day, 2006
3-17-06 Green Morning At Starbucks Cam. Real
D is lean & clean & coordinated. She lopes out of the cafe into the rain. Jesus the Unjudicious laughed at the great bulging nets full of wild leaping fish. It's Friday & St. Pat's Day on the Eros-kissed Earth. The Oirish eat fish on this special green piscatorial holiday. Christ the Jesus got nailed to the wood on Good Friday by Roman soldiers & the Hebrew Sanhedrin, the Sadducees and the rest of the priesthood or the old order. St. Paul offered more of the same stone tablets. Saul of Tarsus couldn't handle the Big F offered by The Miracle Worker: No Freedom in Galilee-Samaria. Not without the revolution of Henry David Thoreau, Buddha Siddhartha & The Gentle & immovable Gandhi with no smoking guns. The tall blonde looks clean & shampooed in her blue jeans & the shining smile. It's raining here in the suburbs of L.A. The Goddesses are juicing the dry roots of Earth with their tasty nectar. And all the women are fresh out of the bath into this new promising world of chlorophyll. This is breath & water and the garden of Easter: Resurrection of the dead.
Concealment of the sexual. The cloth is a veil displaying & hiding & defining the hierarchy of complex human needs. The Wish is revealed in the texture & colors & the lay of the cloth & thus the female is illuminated or shaded & transformed by every nuance & fall & cut of the hair the shine & aroma of the head-----first the eyes but also at once the lips & brow, ears---the Whole: walk & talk & listen, pose-----stand or sit, steer or ride, pause & exude. Story: She mounted a white horse & rode gently through an open meadow far from the neurotic crowds. Then what? Then she came upon the prince who did not know he was the prince sitting under a tree with nothing in his mind. Here she must say something or he must make a comment to arrest the movement of the other. Otherwise, the pair will not become acquainted with eachother's purposes. Their eyes immediately take in eachother's countenance. This is quite a long swallow of mutual beauty. It fills them both up to the brim. Now what? Now we must have a long dramatic in-depth pause. How else can beauty run inside the eyes through the body's numerous clandestine channels to reach the heart the brain the liver as well as the marrow inside the bones & each of the glands & the organs & the knees & feet the nose & teeth the hips & tongue as well as the lips & hands & arms & legs & groin. Beauty travels swift & her Journey is at the same time peripatetic, slow & cunctatious, pausing here & there in its miraculous sojourn of Ecstasy. A never before charted Romantic Adventure impossible to plan.
RLG Copyright 2006
D is lean & clean & coordinated. She lopes out of the cafe into the rain. Jesus the Unjudicious laughed at the great bulging nets full of wild leaping fish. It's Friday & St. Pat's Day on the Eros-kissed Earth. The Oirish eat fish on this special green piscatorial holiday. Christ the Jesus got nailed to the wood on Good Friday by Roman soldiers & the Hebrew Sanhedrin, the Sadducees and the rest of the priesthood or the old order. St. Paul offered more of the same stone tablets. Saul of Tarsus couldn't handle the Big F offered by The Miracle Worker: No Freedom in Galilee-Samaria. Not without the revolution of Henry David Thoreau, Buddha Siddhartha & The Gentle & immovable Gandhi with no smoking guns. The tall blonde looks clean & shampooed in her blue jeans & the shining smile. It's raining here in the suburbs of L.A. The Goddesses are juicing the dry roots of Earth with their tasty nectar. And all the women are fresh out of the bath into this new promising world of chlorophyll. This is breath & water and the garden of Easter: Resurrection of the dead.
Concealment of the sexual. The cloth is a veil displaying & hiding & defining the hierarchy of complex human needs. The Wish is revealed in the texture & colors & the lay of the cloth & thus the female is illuminated or shaded & transformed by every nuance & fall & cut of the hair the shine & aroma of the head-----first the eyes but also at once the lips & brow, ears---the Whole: walk & talk & listen, pose-----stand or sit, steer or ride, pause & exude. Story: She mounted a white horse & rode gently through an open meadow far from the neurotic crowds. Then what? Then she came upon the prince who did not know he was the prince sitting under a tree with nothing in his mind. Here she must say something or he must make a comment to arrest the movement of the other. Otherwise, the pair will not become acquainted with eachother's purposes. Their eyes immediately take in eachother's countenance. This is quite a long swallow of mutual beauty. It fills them both up to the brim. Now what? Now we must have a long dramatic in-depth pause. How else can beauty run inside the eyes through the body's numerous clandestine channels to reach the heart the brain the liver as well as the marrow inside the bones & each of the glands & the organs & the knees & feet the nose & teeth the hips & tongue as well as the lips & hands & arms & legs & groin. Beauty travels swift & her Journey is at the same time peripatetic, slow & cunctatious, pausing here & there in its miraculous sojourn of Ecstasy. A never before charted Romantic Adventure impossible to plan.
RLG Copyright 2006
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