Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The History Of The Woman

5-3-06 Her History

You asked me for the details. They never give me the details concerning their life. Not present and certainly very little of the past. That's why there is so little female story in my Master Tale. It isn't as though I'm not hungry for the facts myself. It's just that by the time they leave town they have left me an empty book regarding their entire lives. And believe you me it is a hell of a note to have that blank tablet. Today's Wednesday by the way. That matters to me. There are no little things in love. And every Wednesday since I first encountered Wendy Reeves has been a day that stands apart from the other seven because of the name: Wednesday=Wendy in some inevitable sense for me. As far as details go I have not seen her in more than 25 years. I have met remarkable women since then. But to meet is not necessarily to know. How do you ever find that miraculous Other who is instantly & automatically & irresistibly your Equal? That is what I mean when I say the name Wendy Reeves.

A few years ago I encountered the actress Julia Roberts on Main Street in Ocean Park. She was giving me the eye. That's correct. She was giving ME the eye. She had her head on her shoulder & she was gazing into my eyes the minute I nonchalantly accidentally on purpose began to look at her as she walked past me going in the opposite direction. She came out there to send me a specific message. I was headed for the Ocean Park branch of the Santa Monica Library to return or to pick up a book. And there was Julia Roberts on the path nailing me with her eyes. And I mean penetrating me. Why? Well, it immediately became obvious to me that she was 'Acting Symbolically' at that moment. She was singling me out to tell me that the Other Roberts Woman in my life whom I hadn't seen for a couple of years was still IN The Big Picture. That is what I gleaned from that little miraculous direct encounter with the famous Hollywood actress. It was a direct hit. But the information contained in that encounter was immediately absorbed & known by me as a FACT. Thanks, Julia! That is how my life has been unfolding these last 30 years. When I ask a woman directly & specifically for information about her life I seldom receive a substantial answer---especially, if she is a woman I am powerfully attracted to which happens only rarely of course. When I am interested but not Romantically thrilled to have such information I note that facts often flow my way rather freely. One of the signs of beginning intimacy I have observed is whether I know a woman's actual birthday or not. When I ask for that date and I get back the month or the sign but not the actual day I realize we are not on equal terms.

So they leave town, the women, and I am left without their new addresses phone numbers or emails. So be it. That is the nature of Reality in the year 2006 as I experience it. Not everyone is so unlucky. I'm talking about women now and only those women who have given me the same level of intensity as I have given them regarding our relationship up to that point. In other words the mutual attention was strong, the eye contact unbroken. A true bond of deep intimacy had been established which was renewed on each occasion we met however few words we often exchanged. Number of words exchanged is no barometer of the depth of feeling two people have for eachother. The intensity of the gaze and the manner of the look during our encounters is a much more accurate indicator. The content of our conversations will vary of course. Often it is banal. We talk about the minutest details of the moment of our everyday lives. That to me is of no consequence whether we speak of the great books or of trivia. There is no trivia in love. What IS of consequence is that we do meet as often as possible and get to stand or sit as close to eachother as posssible in order to establish intimacy. The words will come at their own pace. But there must be occasion. We do need to sit down sometime to have a conversation. Get in her car at some point and go to a movie or merely to the mall to stroll through the stores and open up the channels of communication.

Wendy & I never got to that delicious point. The point of getting in the car together & going for a stroll. That is itself an achievement to me that precedes sexual intimacy. Although most of my contemporaries seem to favor beginning it all with a one-night stand. I prefer beginning with the long deep Unplanned frontal kiss. In other words this is pre-nuptial table talk here. I don't walk around the streets with a blueprint of how I am going to woo a woman I haven't even met. I'm just saying the ideal thing here. And it has happened that way before. And it is Natural. I.e., it does not come from my intellect. OK. I'm in Limbo now. Got home today & felt the absolute Emptiness of my career. Haven't given a LIVE performance of my Writing in 4 years. Half the time the people I meet don't even know that I am an authoritative WRITER 24-7-365 without exception. A Take No Prisoners Writer. And known to be such! This is no joke. This is no game. I am in this for The Whole Ball Of Wax. And my BOOK will be published. Indeed, my First Book is already written. It remains only to be accepted by a Publisher and sold to you out there------THE READER. And this love story will be in it inside out and outside in. Keep your eyes open. Stay tuned!

RLG Copyright 2006


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10:15 PM  

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