Thursday, May 11, 2006

Nourishing Your Organs

5-11-06 Fasting

There is a basic amount of Fasting necessary in order to cleanse our organs and our arteries and tissues. Our livers are overloaded and need continuous periods of rest. The way to make this easy on the liver is to go on periodic water fasts. You can't do this cold turkey. Here is a simple trustworthy approach. Begin by eating only cooked vegetables for the first day. Don't use canned vegetables. Don't use any sodium or spices. Simply raw cooked vegetables. The second day eat nothing but raw vegetables & fruits. Tomatoes, celery, orange, lettuce, blueberries, pineapple, banana. Hold off on avocadoes & peas, sources of protein. The third day you begin drinking nothing but distilled water. Try it for 3 days. Nothing but distilled water. You probably have some illusions about fasting as most people do. Put aside the prejudices and try this simple Cleansing diet. It cleans out your liver & your kidneys and all of your inner organs including your heart. It strengthens The Organism, believe me---if you do this regularly & THEN cut out your regressive eating habits that damage the system. You will have renewed energy just from this brief fast and cleansing process. It is wise to fast several times a year---if only one day at a time. A one-day water fast every week is ideal since you can regularly put it into practice and it gives your liver that important day off to cleanse itself.

We dump unnecessary junk in our bodies every day---at least I do. Every time you put another donut down the hatch or a large order of fries or anything canned you are asking for trouble in the long run. Avoid sugar & saturated fat that comes from many sources but mainly in meat. Maybe you consider fasting a thing for freaks. Many people do. But many people also pull up to McDonald's three times a week & dump suicide materials into their digestive systems without blinking an eye. If you eat meat more than three times a week especially red meat you are probably locked into a bad eating schedule. Who's the real FREAK---the person who has the guts to cleanse his system regularly & who strictly regulates what he (she) puts into the mouth & stomach or the promiscuous eaters who let sugar romp around their insides and get diabetes & heart disease by age 40 or 50? Get plenty of rigorous exercise doing something you like. And eat wisely. When you do eat meat always put at least three times as much vegetable as meat into the meal. This distributes the protein & carbos in a reliable pattern and eases the process of digestion. And always drink lots of water during the day rather than eat pastries or junk food. If you have any eating tips for me to boost my culinary habits & also any advice concerning working out jot me a note right here. Remember this: Everything you eat has to go through the liver. Protect your liver from death: Water, Raw vegetables & fruits.

RLG Copyright 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

10:15 PM  

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