The Bush-Cheney Scandal
6-13-06 Lying Is Good---It's in The Bible
Well of course it's in the Bible. And, remember, the assholes lying there always pay. Witness the story of Annanias & Sapphira. But the current crop of frauds in The White House have actually murdered several hundred thousand human beings---some of them deluded American boys & girls & even a few women & men---but most of them civilians from the very native country Bush would impose his Fascist democracy upon at the point of American Weapons Of Mass Destruction. These dead Iraqis just happened to be living in a country disdained by Bush & Cheney & their billionaire cronies who presently actually believe they own America. I don't agree with them. I do not believe these semi-literate Greed freaks own the USA. I believe America is owned by its 285 million citizens-----or, more accurately, it is truly owned by those few of us who actually care enough to find out the facts about The Democratic Process & the Constitution on which this country is based. Most of us seem to be pretty much dead in the head from all the pollutions & the polluted opinions that get slammed across our craniums 24-7-365. I say it is time to say No to these right-wing profiteers & Irresponsibles who have set up this phony rotten war in Iraq so their cronies can roll in corrupt blood money as Halliburton is doing & all the other munitions corporations who are sick with obese profits from Bush Cheney Rumsfeld & Rove's irrational war against Arabs & Muslims & indeed the rest of the world who refuse to fall in line and buy the lies that are being manufactured by Karl Rove & the rest of the Gestapo.
What is occurring even as I write is the Wising Up before our eyes & ears of the Whole World inch by inch day by day. The World of human beings is slowly getting hip to the disaster of Bush & his henchmen as world failures. Bush has succeeded in creating an International Enemy for his regime. This Enemy is all democratically inclined persons throughout the earth who refuse to be intimidated by the Bush Doctrine of bow the knee to Imperial USA or we cut off ties with you. THEY are cutting off ties with USA. China & Japan presently OWN the USA---not Ken Lay & his hostile Wall Street comrades who will soon be behind bars. We are the largest debtor nation in human history. And our economy is essentially bonkers today. Many Democrats in the Senate gave Bush the power to declare preemptive War in Iraq, including to his eternal cowardly shame John Kerry-----who during the election campaign refused to take up the cudgels in his own defense as a noble warrior in Viet Nam who later honestly & painstakingly discovered the war was a fraud & an injustice and a murderous miscarriage of justice to the peoples of Asia-----this Mr. Kerry these years later voted to give Bush the powers to declare preemptive war in Iraq. What a kick in the face to Democracy that was & is. And during his campaign for President Kerry indeed offered no plan to withdraw from this most criminal war against Iraqi civilians. There were no Arab or Muslim Terrorists in Iraq until Bush's troops arrived. There was no carnage in Iraq before Bush's troops arrived. Saddam never had a good word to say for Al Qaeda as Saddam is essentially non-religious. But Bush counted on the stupidity of the American electorate to wage this malicious & illegal war. As Bush counted on the stupidity of American citizens to accept his hand-over of the Treasury Department to his billionaire cronies Ken Lay & Associates from Wall Street in handing out multi-billion dollar tax cuts for Billionaires & millionaires many of whom declared they did not need the money.
Question: Is anybody alive in America? It has taken Sleeping Americans several years to Wake Up to the fact they have been had again by a mendacious Administration which specializes in inventing lies to discredit truth tellers and innocent civilians such as the citizens of Baghdad who are bearing the brunt of Bush's Immoralism and his mania for violent Solutions to human problems. A murderous and unending and utterly Failing war is raging on in Iraq destroying almost entirely civilians every day of the week. Once in a while the dead press uses the phrase "thought to be Insurgents" but it is clear that 90 percent of the dead are not Insurgents but local 'people'----Families in the great city of Baghdad. And GW Bush has Outraged the entire Muslim & Arab & Human world by his insane tactics that even at this moment remain to be contested in The Congress of The USA. We need an entire New Congress. The present Congress with few Exceptions is morally bankrupt & have sold out to the military propaganda of Spend & Kill. We need new Bringers of Light!
What is the cost of this war? Three weeks ago Mark Shield said on PBS news that according to The Congressional Record we have spent 439 billion dollars on Iraq so far. And this is the conservative estimate before a pending Congressional vote which proposed we dump another stupendous wad of murderous cash into a project of unending death to little Muslims & Arabs who have had their foundations & security ripped to shreds by Bush I, Clinton, & now Bush II-----making Saddam Hussein's crimes look petty in comparison. Citizens could walk in the streets during Saddam's rule. They had water to drink & food to eat & their economy was in good shape. Bush Clinton & now The Other Bush have made fools of American Democracy. And they have embarrassed & betrayed you & me---every human citizen and sensitive & intelligent being on this earth not to mention sold out this potential Democracy of citizens & equals. We are ripe for a true Democratic Revolution---one which places the education of American citizens first on The National Agenda. And we put off the table the launching of monstrous corporate wars against foreign peoples & territories for the explicit purpose of establishing American hegemony in countries that have no adequate defense to protect thenselves against the imperial madness of America when it is under the rule of such irrationality as that revealed in the amateurish behavior of GW Bush II on The World Stage that makes his father former President Bush seem an amiable leader of generosity fair play & vision by comparison.
RLG Copyright 2006
Well of course it's in the Bible. And, remember, the assholes lying there always pay. Witness the story of Annanias & Sapphira. But the current crop of frauds in The White House have actually murdered several hundred thousand human beings---some of them deluded American boys & girls & even a few women & men---but most of them civilians from the very native country Bush would impose his Fascist democracy upon at the point of American Weapons Of Mass Destruction. These dead Iraqis just happened to be living in a country disdained by Bush & Cheney & their billionaire cronies who presently actually believe they own America. I don't agree with them. I do not believe these semi-literate Greed freaks own the USA. I believe America is owned by its 285 million citizens-----or, more accurately, it is truly owned by those few of us who actually care enough to find out the facts about The Democratic Process & the Constitution on which this country is based. Most of us seem to be pretty much dead in the head from all the pollutions & the polluted opinions that get slammed across our craniums 24-7-365. I say it is time to say No to these right-wing profiteers & Irresponsibles who have set up this phony rotten war in Iraq so their cronies can roll in corrupt blood money as Halliburton is doing & all the other munitions corporations who are sick with obese profits from Bush Cheney Rumsfeld & Rove's irrational war against Arabs & Muslims & indeed the rest of the world who refuse to fall in line and buy the lies that are being manufactured by Karl Rove & the rest of the Gestapo.
What is occurring even as I write is the Wising Up before our eyes & ears of the Whole World inch by inch day by day. The World of human beings is slowly getting hip to the disaster of Bush & his henchmen as world failures. Bush has succeeded in creating an International Enemy for his regime. This Enemy is all democratically inclined persons throughout the earth who refuse to be intimidated by the Bush Doctrine of bow the knee to Imperial USA or we cut off ties with you. THEY are cutting off ties with USA. China & Japan presently OWN the USA---not Ken Lay & his hostile Wall Street comrades who will soon be behind bars. We are the largest debtor nation in human history. And our economy is essentially bonkers today. Many Democrats in the Senate gave Bush the power to declare preemptive War in Iraq, including to his eternal cowardly shame John Kerry-----who during the election campaign refused to take up the cudgels in his own defense as a noble warrior in Viet Nam who later honestly & painstakingly discovered the war was a fraud & an injustice and a murderous miscarriage of justice to the peoples of Asia-----this Mr. Kerry these years later voted to give Bush the powers to declare preemptive war in Iraq. What a kick in the face to Democracy that was & is. And during his campaign for President Kerry indeed offered no plan to withdraw from this most criminal war against Iraqi civilians. There were no Arab or Muslim Terrorists in Iraq until Bush's troops arrived. There was no carnage in Iraq before Bush's troops arrived. Saddam never had a good word to say for Al Qaeda as Saddam is essentially non-religious. But Bush counted on the stupidity of the American electorate to wage this malicious & illegal war. As Bush counted on the stupidity of American citizens to accept his hand-over of the Treasury Department to his billionaire cronies Ken Lay & Associates from Wall Street in handing out multi-billion dollar tax cuts for Billionaires & millionaires many of whom declared they did not need the money.
Question: Is anybody alive in America? It has taken Sleeping Americans several years to Wake Up to the fact they have been had again by a mendacious Administration which specializes in inventing lies to discredit truth tellers and innocent civilians such as the citizens of Baghdad who are bearing the brunt of Bush's Immoralism and his mania for violent Solutions to human problems. A murderous and unending and utterly Failing war is raging on in Iraq destroying almost entirely civilians every day of the week. Once in a while the dead press uses the phrase "thought to be Insurgents" but it is clear that 90 percent of the dead are not Insurgents but local 'people'----Families in the great city of Baghdad. And GW Bush has Outraged the entire Muslim & Arab & Human world by his insane tactics that even at this moment remain to be contested in The Congress of The USA. We need an entire New Congress. The present Congress with few Exceptions is morally bankrupt & have sold out to the military propaganda of Spend & Kill. We need new Bringers of Light!
What is the cost of this war? Three weeks ago Mark Shield said on PBS news that according to The Congressional Record we have spent 439 billion dollars on Iraq so far. And this is the conservative estimate before a pending Congressional vote which proposed we dump another stupendous wad of murderous cash into a project of unending death to little Muslims & Arabs who have had their foundations & security ripped to shreds by Bush I, Clinton, & now Bush II-----making Saddam Hussein's crimes look petty in comparison. Citizens could walk in the streets during Saddam's rule. They had water to drink & food to eat & their economy was in good shape. Bush Clinton & now The Other Bush have made fools of American Democracy. And they have embarrassed & betrayed you & me---every human citizen and sensitive & intelligent being on this earth not to mention sold out this potential Democracy of citizens & equals. We are ripe for a true Democratic Revolution---one which places the education of American citizens first on The National Agenda. And we put off the table the launching of monstrous corporate wars against foreign peoples & territories for the explicit purpose of establishing American hegemony in countries that have no adequate defense to protect thenselves against the imperial madness of America when it is under the rule of such irrationality as that revealed in the amateurish behavior of GW Bush II on The World Stage that makes his father former President Bush seem an amiable leader of generosity fair play & vision by comparison.
RLG Copyright 2006
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