When I Bathe I Encounter The Blessed Female
7-11-06 Water Is Love
When I bathe as I do two or three times every day
I am surrounded by woman. That is why I take my
water hot. I like my women on the warm side. Can't
stand cold water. Yes, when I enter the bath tub I am
entering the presence of the beautiful female. That
water comes up around my legs and my thighs and
I let the tub run full and I sink back and begin to breathe
again. I am inside the erotic presence. I am bathing in
love. I am interpenetrating. That water is wondrous.
They say the bread and wine become the actual body
and blood of Christ. So that water becomes her.
That water is woman. That water consumes my own
absence. My emptiness is drowned in the delicious
hot bathtub. Here I come to terms again with the lips
and arms of love. Here I meet on equal ground my
bride and beloved life companion. Water embraces
my body. I sink deeper. I am covered by love. I am
in love with water. I imbibe the texture of mutual
surrender. I am not I any more but us. And there is
no separation. The lovers sing in my bathtub. Joni
Mitchell. Wendy Reeves. Husband and wife croon
the tune within me. We are one, we are one. And I
feel the force that melts every division and dissonance
of the time-consuming world. I have found my bliss.
The magic of warm glowing water clings to my legs
and arms my spine. I do not think. I do not write. I
am not I. We are we again. And the golden moon
sings its melody of love. I believe I shall wait here in
my white car covered with hot sensuous perfumed
water until the goddess comes to kiss me. I have no
other business on earth to negotiate. And that great
light fish the moon is swimming again in the black sea
of heaven.
RLG copy right 2006
When I bathe as I do two or three times every day
I am surrounded by woman. That is why I take my
water hot. I like my women on the warm side. Can't
stand cold water. Yes, when I enter the bath tub I am
entering the presence of the beautiful female. That
water comes up around my legs and my thighs and
I let the tub run full and I sink back and begin to breathe
again. I am inside the erotic presence. I am bathing in
love. I am interpenetrating. That water is wondrous.
They say the bread and wine become the actual body
and blood of Christ. So that water becomes her.
That water is woman. That water consumes my own
absence. My emptiness is drowned in the delicious
hot bathtub. Here I come to terms again with the lips
and arms of love. Here I meet on equal ground my
bride and beloved life companion. Water embraces
my body. I sink deeper. I am covered by love. I am
in love with water. I imbibe the texture of mutual
surrender. I am not I any more but us. And there is
no separation. The lovers sing in my bathtub. Joni
Mitchell. Wendy Reeves. Husband and wife croon
the tune within me. We are one, we are one. And I
feel the force that melts every division and dissonance
of the time-consuming world. I have found my bliss.
The magic of warm glowing water clings to my legs
and arms my spine. I do not think. I do not write. I
am not I. We are we again. And the golden moon
sings its melody of love. I believe I shall wait here in
my white car covered with hot sensuous perfumed
water until the goddess comes to kiss me. I have no
other business on earth to negotiate. And that great
light fish the moon is swimming again in the black sea
of heaven.
RLG copy right 2006
How lovely and poetic! You, Sir, are a world-class appreciator. 'Tis a fine thing to behold!
Keep it coming.
L in LA
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