Sunday, September 03, 2006



I got lost in the wilderness among the sand
and the toads and the lizards and the lepre-
chauns and don't forget the mirages of the
flat-bellied desert that tell of other lives lived

on the outside of the ozone. After a while I
was numb with nothingness which was
strangely satisfying. I laid among the striped
tigers in the sand at midnight. The ferocious

tigers and their insane eyes. How could they
not smell my terror as I clung to my quilt and
my bottles of water. I could hear them laugh-
ing in their sleep as they ground their teeth

and moved their great jaws like mighty diesels.
I didn't care. I was bone tired and happy that
man had finally been expunged & air was now
victorious-----air and a sky full of celestial won-

ders. The sand and the sea and the green lawn
were synonomous. Their synonymy made me
laugh wild at the white beasts of midnight and
the lightning of the stars. Those sublime son

of a bitches can dance, I thought to myself alone
under the carpet of that vast black canvas with
a few white windows smashing the monotony
of darkness with the first sight of ecstasy. Hel-

ium is my name. Oxygen is my game. And Hy-
drogen is the horse I ride to accomplish my mis-
sion. Let it rain then, let it pour, and let light fly
up and down the mountains & valleys of Utopia.

RLG copyright 2006


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